Friday, December 14, 2007

Sickel Cell

Sickel Cell Informaiton

1 ) Breif definition : Sickle cell anemia is an hereditary disease in which the red blood cells, normally disc-shaped, become crescent shaped.

2) Expanded definiiton : Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder in which the body produces c-shaped red blood cells. The red blood cells deform because they contain an abnormal type of hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S, instead of the normal hemoglobin, called hemoglobin A.
Because of their shape, these cells may stick to each other or to the sides of blood vessels, and cause serious health disorders. That is, they function abnormally and cause small blood clots. These clots give rise to recurrent painful episodes called "sickle cell pain crises." The genetic defect affects hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body

3) Causes : As we said before, sickle cell is hereditary. Now when one parent carries the sickle cell gene – the child will get a sickle cell trait which can actually be beneficial to the body. When both parents carry the trait, the child will get sickle cell anaemia.

4 ) Symptoms : Although sickle cell disease is present at birth, symptoms usually don't occur until after 4 months of age. Sickle cell anemia may become life threatening . Blocked blood vessels and damaged organs can cause acute painful episodes, or "crises." There are several types of crises: affecting the bones of the back, the long bones, and the chest.
yellow eyes/skin – jaundice
rapid heart rate
delayed growth and puberty
susceptibility to infections
ulcers on the lower legs (in adolescents and adults)
bone pain
attacks of abdominal pain
bloody urine (hematuria )
frequent urination
excessive thirst
painful erection (priapism; this occurs in 10-40% of men with the disease)
chest pain
poor eyesight/blindness

5) Prevention : This disease cannot be prevented as it is a genetic defect. [Unless you don’t conceive with another carrier of the disease] However, there are some general guidelines that may keep the condition under control.
Take daily folic acid supplements to build new red blood cells.
Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
Avoid temperature extremes.
Avoid overexertion and stress.
Get plenty of rest.
Get regular check-ups with knowledgeable healthcare providers.
Seek genetic counseling
Among other things.

5. I.) Treatments
Treatments that are availabe are :
Therapy ; The purpose of therapy is to manage and control symptoms and to try to limit the frequency of crises.

During a sickle crisis, certain therapies may be necessary. Painful episodes are treated with analgesics and adequate liquid intake. Treatment of pain is critical. Non-narcotic medications may be effective, but some patients will require narcotics.

Newer drugs are being developed to manage sickle cell anemia. Some of these agents work by trying to induce the body to produce more fetal hemoglobin (therefore decreasing the amount
of sickling) or by increasing the binding of oxygen to sickle cells. But as yet, there are no other widely used drugs that are available for treatment.

Early diagnosis and prevention of complications is critical in sickle cell disease treatment. Treatment may include:
pain medications (for sickle cell crises)
drinking plenty of water daily (eight to 10 glasses) or receiving fluid intravenously (to prevent and treat pain crises)
blood transfusionsFor anemia and to prevent stroke, blood transfusions may be used. Transfusions are also used to dilute the HbS with normal hemoglobin to treat chronic pain, acute chest syndrome, splenic sequestration, and other emergencies.
penicillin (to prevent infections)
folic acid (to help prevent severe anemia)
hydroxyureaHydroxyurea is a medication that has recently been developed that may help reduce the frequency of pain crises and acute chest syndrome. It may also help decrease the need for frequent blood transfusions. The long-term effects of the medication, however, are unknown.
bone marrow transplantBone marrow transplant has been effective in curing some persons with sickle cell disease; the decision to undergo this procedure is based on the severity of the disease and ability to find a suitable

really ? [ adisa ] <3 says:

Fact : Did you know that 1 out of every 500 Afircan Americans are diagnosed with this disease. And 1 out of 12 african americans have the sickle cell trait.

Sickle cell anemia can only result when two carriers with sickle cell trait have a child together. Therefore, genetic counseling is recommended for all carriers of sickle cell trait (about 1 in 12 African Americans has sickle cell trait ).

Prenatal diagnosis of sickle cell anemia is also available. Prompt treatment of infections, adequate oxygenation, and preventing dehydration may prevent sickling of red blood cells. Antibiotics and vaccinations may prevent infections.

General health visits with a physician are recommended to ensure the patient is getting adequate nutrition, maintaining proper activity levels, and receiving proper vaccinations.


Parents whose children have sickle cell should encourage their children to lead normal lives.

6 ) Three ways you can care for your circulatory system
1) Get lots of excersisce regulary to keep the blood vessels and heart in good condition
2) Eat healtily, avoid too much of one kind or food or fats and oils.
3) Avoid destructive habits such as smoking or excessive drinking.