Animal Farm
1. Themes : Freedom, Herosim
- Who/ What is freedom and a hero?
Freedom is ...
- Defintions of freedom/ ehroism?
- Who is the hero of the text?
Boxer is the hero of the text.
- Why is there a fight for freedom?
- There is a fight for freedom because tha nimals feel that they are being mistreated and are infrerior.
- Who instills the idea of freedom in the animals?
- Old major the boar. He is the philospher and
- After the rebellion are the anmals really free?
- How have the animals been denied their freedom after the rebellion?
- What er
2. Leadership : Napoleon/Snowball
- What types of leaders are these pigs?
- Napoloeon is a bershire boar and represents _____________. He enforeces the dictatorship type of government and his specialty was brtue force. From the beginning of the book he was a mysterious character and is said to not have been much of an orator from the start. He rallied support in between times.
- Snowball represents the democratic type of government.
Who do they lead?
- Which is the better lead?
- It is hard to say which is a better lead. Snowball was the ideal leader, in all of his plans, he kept the goals and the well-being of the animals in mind. INSnowballs mind, it was democratic governmanet, and there wasn’t really leadrs the farm was just run by the animals on a whole. Snowbal however did not really work the details of his plans and didn’t explore the personalitys of the animlas that would get in his way. Snowball overall had goo intentions but did not know how to get about them. Napoloen is the antagonist of the book, mainly because he inflicts much pain on the animals. However as for leadership, Naploleon certainly had the authority and was desvicive one of the qualitys that Snowball wasn’t so stong on.
- What is tyranny?
- When someone uses their own style of punishment, and elects themselves as the main figure.
- Give detalied examples to support the leadership styles of Snowball/ Napoloeon
Snowball;s leadership style is not as displayed in the book as Napoleon’s is, due to his early departure. But from what we can see of it, it is more favourable to the animals. At one point in the book
3. The last sentence of the novel.
- What does hat statement mean?
- It means that the pigs had changed so much that they were almost men in themselves. They had become so much what they abhorred in the first place that they now had become almost exact replicas of their enemies and what they did not want to become.
- How true is this statement?
- Very true.
- How do the pigs now look like man?
They have adapted many ways and customs of man. Examples being, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, playing cards, waking on two legs, wearing clothes.