The blue or sometimes silver toolbar at the top of the page shows the name of the program and the document currently in use. It is known as the TITLE Bar.
Minimize button – reduces the screen to a mere bar on the bottom of the screen in the taskbar at the bottom of the page.
There is yet another toolbar known as the Menu Bar which features the nine options from which all other features come form in Microsot Word. It provides the pathway for all commands to be executed in Microsoft Word. [File, Edit, View…]
Toolbars are the general name for these handy magiggers. Such as the : Picture toolbar. TO open one of these just right click down at the bottom Where there is the collection of the toolbars and choose the one you want to appear. There are many other ways to access them/.
Toolbars are made to be used exclusively by the mouse. They ultimately provide easy access.
Christmas Exam Topics 2006-12-04
Operating system
Comands pROMPT
Directory trees
Chapters 1-3 bacially.